Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Music Means to Me.....

Hey music connoisseurs! If you've ever seen the movie "The Music Never Stopped", you know how much of a role music plays in it. For those who've never seen it, it is based on a true story about a young man with a brain tumor. He lost the ability to create new memories once his tumor was removed. The only way to connect to him is through his past memories. His therapist and parents reach out to him through the music of his favorite bands, the Grateful Dead in particular. When he hears a song, he remembers a concert he went to, where he was when he first heard the song, etc. You're probably wondering "what does this movie have to do with my blog post"?

Well, music holds a special place in my heart, just like it did for the young man in "The Music Never Stopped". When I was a teenager, I listened to music that reflected how I felt at that time in my life. Everyone goes through that teenage angst stage! = P However, I wasn't like that all the time. I grew up in a house that appreciated many genres of music such as classical (Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi), 50's "rockabilly", classic rock, jazz, bluegrass, and folk rock. I have learned to love this music as well, and I am very proud to be so well-rounded in the subject. I always say that if I gained anything of worth from growing up in my parents' home, it is my love for music. Now, I don't know all there is to know about the history of music. I am still learning!  I took an intro to jazz class at WCU just to learn more about the genre (and I kept my textbook). I love music so much. It has calmed me when I'm upset, it has lifted my spirits when I'm sad. Now, I want to hear from you. What does music mean to you? Does it remind you of certain things? Do you connect songs to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you like a certain genre? I want to know! I can't wait to read your responses! :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ryan Montbleau Band - SongBird

   If you don't know who Ryan Montbleau is, you're missing out! Montbleau is a singer/songwriter from Massachusetts. I'm never sure what genre to label him, since his style sounds like a mix of things. I guess if I had to place him in a genre it would be Folk Rock. He tours with his band (creatively named "Ryan Montbleau Band")  in the Philly area quite often. He also performs solo quite a bit. In fact, he just played solo at the Tin Angel in Philly this past month! I recently went to his show at Philly's own World Cafe Live in November 2011. I had so much fun!
The song that I posted below is from his album "Heavy on the Vine". I love all of the songs from this album, but "Songbird" has to be my absolute favorite. It's fun to listen to live because he invites the audience to imitate a bird in the beginning (unfortunately, he doesn't do that in this video). I also love the reggae sound in this song. 
The meaning I have placed on this song is based on my own life experience. It may mean something different to someone else. It's all about "reader response". I think the song's message is "You are the only one who can create your own song. Don't let anyone else tell you how to sing your song, how to live your life. Be yourself!" Here's a link to the lyrics if you'd like to check them out: When you're done reading, check out the video below. Happy Listening! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream..."

Hi Everyone! Since this is my first music post, I decided to write about a song that's near and dear to my heart at the moment (Sorry guys, I will post some music for you next week). I'm trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, in the blogging world. The song I'm going to write about is called "Airstream Song" by Miranda Lambert. Here are the lyrics:

Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
Break a heart, roll out of town
Cause gypsies never get tied down

Sometimes I wish I lived on a mountain
Drank from a stream instead of a fountain
Id stay there, top of the world
But I was born a red dirt girl

Unbridled or tethered and tied
The safety of the fence or the danger of the ride
Ill always be unsatisfied

Sometimes I wish I lived by a pier
In a lighthouse with a chandelier
Id watch everybodys ships come in
And then Id sail away with them

Unanchored in the storm
Or safely on the shore
If this is all I need, why do I want more

Sometimes I wish I lived in an airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
 This song means a lot to me because there are days when I feel like this. There are days when I wish I could live as carefree as a gypsy. The daily grind of school, work, and life in general makes me restless. Since I was a teenager, it has been my dream to travel. To be free. I always said I was going to get an RV and go anywhere I could. I never thought about money, safety, etc. I just wanted to leave my small town and never have a worry in the world. The idea is most naive, but for a teenager who yearned for freedom, it was a genius idea. Of course, I don't think like that anymore, but I still feel that longing once in awhile. 

 I think this song is beautiful, even if you're not a country music fan. People can appreciate the meaning of the song. I love the metaphors for human emotion in the horse("Unbridled or tethered and tied") and the ship ("Unanchored in the storm..."). Also, for those of you who aren't sure what an Airstream is, it is a type of RV. It has a distinctive round body, unlike most RV's. Here's a picture, just to give you an idea.
Picture from

Thanks for reading!
Cheryl Lynn

Monday, February 13, 2012

Calling all Music Enthusiasts!

Hey all! If anyone has a particular artist, song, or album you'd like me to discuss, I am open to suggestions! I don't want this to be entirely about me, and I'd love to learn about other artists. However, artists such as Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga do not count, being as the only talent they seem to possess is the ability to be oober freaky. Being different or weird is not a talent because we are all different to begin with! You can make a case for why a particular artist is talented though, and I will listen. Please post your suggestions in the comments below! I'm looking forward to reading everyone's suggestions!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Hey Everyone! After much contemplating, I have finally decided what the subject of my blog will be. I am going to share my passion for music with all of you! I believe that music is one of the most powerful tools of expression. I love everything from Classic Rock to Bluegrass, and Folk music. (Some people find it surprising, but I even have Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath on my iPod!) I will share an album, some lyrics,a song and/or my thoughts on why I love the song or album. I'm an English major, so I love focusing on the meanings behind the songs, and the power of words. I really hope that you are inspired to check out some of the music I post. Enjoy!