Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream..."

Hi Everyone! Since this is my first music post, I decided to write about a song that's near and dear to my heart at the moment (Sorry guys, I will post some music for you next week). I'm trying to get my feet wet, so to speak, in the blogging world. The song I'm going to write about is called "Airstream Song" by Miranda Lambert. Here are the lyrics:

Sometimes I wish I lived in an Airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
Break a heart, roll out of town
Cause gypsies never get tied down

Sometimes I wish I lived on a mountain
Drank from a stream instead of a fountain
Id stay there, top of the world
But I was born a red dirt girl

Unbridled or tethered and tied
The safety of the fence or the danger of the ride
Ill always be unsatisfied

Sometimes I wish I lived by a pier
In a lighthouse with a chandelier
Id watch everybodys ships come in
And then Id sail away with them

Unanchored in the storm
Or safely on the shore
If this is all I need, why do I want more

Sometimes I wish I lived in an airstream
Homemade curtains, lived just like a gypsy
 This song means a lot to me because there are days when I feel like this. There are days when I wish I could live as carefree as a gypsy. The daily grind of school, work, and life in general makes me restless. Since I was a teenager, it has been my dream to travel. To be free. I always said I was going to get an RV and go anywhere I could. I never thought about money, safety, etc. I just wanted to leave my small town and never have a worry in the world. The idea is most naive, but for a teenager who yearned for freedom, it was a genius idea. Of course, I don't think like that anymore, but I still feel that longing once in awhile. 

 I think this song is beautiful, even if you're not a country music fan. People can appreciate the meaning of the song. I love the metaphors for human emotion in the horse("Unbridled or tethered and tied") and the ship ("Unanchored in the storm..."). Also, for those of you who aren't sure what an Airstream is, it is a type of RV. It has a distinctive round body, unlike most RV's. Here's a picture, just to give you an idea.
Picture from

Thanks for reading!
Cheryl Lynn

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